Firm’s Specialization

Frankenschweiz Textil GmbHThe company “Frankenschweiz Textil GmbH” was founded in 2008.

Our specialization is buying and selling of  high quality fabrics of new collections and stocks both on meters, and in kilograms.

Our main priority is export to Russia and Ukraine.

We also aspire to cooperation with other countries.

sending of samples of a fabric by your inquiry is possible.ïîñòîÿííî  îáíîâëÿåìûé è îðèãèíàëüíûé àññîðòèìåíò òêàíè

It is important that we deliver fabrics not only for wholesale and retail trade, but also for manufacturing of clothes of all kinds.

There are both small and standard rolls in assortment in our warehouse.

We always offer permanently updated assortment of fashion fabrics to our clients.